gutierrez window tint

Ceramic Coating In
Phoenix Arizona

Our cutting-edge Ceramic Coating is designed to shield your vehicle's exterior with a durable, high-gloss finish that not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also provides long-lasting protection against harsh environmental elements.

discover Ceramic Coat Packages

Ceramic coating experts in Phoenix Arizona

Fusion Plus Lite

FUSION PLUS LITE offers all the benefits of a premium coating like FUSION PLUS PREMIUM, except for its longevity. It is ideal for those who lease vehicles/do not plan to keep their vehicle but still want to maintain its condition.

Benefits of ceramic window tinting
Hydrophobic Properties
Benefits of ceramic window tinting
UV Resistance
Benefits of ceramic window tinting
Enhanced Apperance
Benefits of ceramic window tinting
1-Year Warranty
Benefits of ceramic window tinting
1-Year Warranty
Ceramic coating near you in Phoenix Arizona

Fusion Plus Satin

FUSION PLUS SATIN ceramic coating protects satin/matte finish paint & XPEL STEALTH PPF, blending seamlessly providing hydrophobic properties, a smooth touch, & easier maintenance of matte or satin paint.

Benefits of ceramic window tinting
Hydrophobic Properties
Benefits of ceramic window tinting
UV Resistance
Benefits of ceramic window tinting
Enhanced Apperance
Benefits of ceramic window tinting
4-Year Warranty
Benefits of ceramic window tinting
Protects Satin/Matte Finish Paint & Satin PPF
Best ceramic coating shop near you

Fusion Plus Premium

FUSION PLUS PREMIUM is the thickest and most durable ceramic coating in the XPEL family. It offers superior protection against environmental paint hazards and provides resistance against scratches and swirl marks.

Benefits of ceramic window tinting
Hydrophobic Properties
Benefits of ceramic window tinting
UV Resistance
Benefits of ceramic window tinting
Enhanced Apperance
Benefits of ceramic window tinting
8-Year Warranty
Benefits of ceramic window tinting
Swirl Mark & Light Scratch Resistance
Gutierrez Window Tint

Frequently Asked Questions About Ceramic Coating

What is ceramic coating?
Ceramic coating is a liquid polymer applied to the exterior of vehicles or other surfaces. It chemically bonds with the surface, forming a protective layer that enhances gloss, repels water, and provides long-term protection against UV rays, oxidation, and environmental contaminants.
How long does ceramic coating last?
The longevity of ceramic coating varies depending on factors such as the quality of the coating, environmental conditions, and maintenance. Generally, professionally applied ceramic coatings can last anywhere from two to five years, while some premium coatings may last up to seven years with proper care.
How is ceramic coating applied?
Ceramic coating is typically applied by trained professionals to ensure proper surface preparation and application. The process involves thorough cleaning and decontamination of the surface, followed by the careful application of the ceramic coating using applicator pads or spray guns. After application, the coating is left to cure for a specified period to achieve optimal durability and performance.
Can ceramic coating be removed?
Yes, ceramic coating can be removed, but it requires specialized equipment and expertise. The removal process typically involves abrasive techniques such as machine polishing or chemical strippers to break down the bond between the coating and the surface. After removal, the surface may need to be reconditioned or re-coated to restore its appearance and protection.
What are the benefits of ceramic coating?
Ceramic coating offers several benefits, including superior protection against scratches, swirl marks, and stains. It provides UV resistance, hydrophobic properties, and makes cleaning easier due to its self-cleaning effect. It also enhances the appearance of the coated surface with a deep, glossy finish.
Is ceramic coating only for cars?
While ceramic coating is commonly used on vehicles, it can also be applied to a wide range of surfaces, including motorcycles, boats, RVs, aircraft, and even household items like kitchen countertops and glass surfaces.
Does ceramic coating prevent scratches?
While ceramic coating does offer some degree of scratch resistance, it is not completely scratch-proof. It can help to mitigate light scratches and swirl marks, but it won't prevent deep scratches from sharp objects or abrasive contact. However, it does provide a sacrificial layer that absorbs some impact, reducing the likelihood of damage to the underlying surface.
Is ceramic coating worth the investment?
The value of ceramic coating depends on individual preferences, budget, and expectations. For those seeking long-term protection, enhanced appearance, and easier maintenance for their vehicles or surfaces, ceramic coating can be a worthwhile investment. However, it's essential to research and choose a reputable product and application service to ensure satisfactory results.